
Posts Tagged ‘Money’

SERMON: Money Talks

January 2, 2019 Leave a comment

money talks

You know, you have to feel bad for Donald Trump! I really mean it! How much criticism can one man take? I don’t mean from his critics. I am talking about his supporters! Lately, most everything he says and does has turned people against him, from Syria to Saudi Arabia, from Paris to Washington, from Wall Street to the wall along Mexico border… everything he does seems to cause an outcry. Again, not from the usual suspects like me, but from people ranging from Laura Ingraham to Lindsay Graham, from media outlets ranging from Fox News to Rush Limbaugh. There is no other word to describe it than to say this is a rachmonis. Someone’s got to come to his defense, so today, let it be noble me. I can’t defend everything Trump has said, but let me focus on one. Donald Trump recently said something for which he was criticized even by many of his supporters and members of his own party. Although, as you will see, the critics might be right and indeed, Jewish tradition, as you will see, might feel that what he did was wrong, I still feel the need to say something nice about what he did because what he did, opponents of his, like me, claim he rarely does! He told the truth! And his words made me feel good! READ MORE