Home > Sermons > SERMON: O’Reilly or Pence: Who Got it Right?

SERMON: O’Reilly or Pence: Who Got it Right?

May 9, 2017

I don’t know how I lived before Wikipedia! There is hardly a class or sermon that I prepare without looking up something on Wikipedia. For those who have been living in a cave, Wikipedia exists on the Internet, and refers to itself as “the free encyclopedia.” It is a collection of over 5 million articles on almost every subject imaginable, and it is incredible to imagine how many of its sites are visited every day – approximately 269,708,074! The only question is: does Wikipedia get it right? Because the site can be edited by anyone –people like me and you – can it be relied on? Most everyone agrees that, for the most part, Wikipedia gets it right. But in preparing for this sermon I discovered that Wikipedia got it wrong … not once, but twice! READ MORE

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